Africa will captivate you whether you've been or not. The epic story of the continent is written on an amazing canvas. From the lush rainforests and tropical coastlines of Central Africa to the rippling dunes and iconic savannahs of the Namib Desert and Serengeti, Africa's natural beauty is unparalleled.

Southern Africa
Southern Africa epitomizes Africa at its most memorable. The country is immensely different, but it is linked by its beautiful splendor, various creatures, and old cultures. Southern Africa is home to some of Africa's best safari spots. As the quantity of wildlife rises, your camera will become overloaded.
Eastern Africa
Welcome to the real African safari. This is wild Africa, where millions of wildebeest follow zebras across the continent, while lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, and wild dogs hunt for their next meal. Stunning images of chimps and powerful yet compassionate silverback male gorillas driven into isolated islands of montane forest with their families. To be so close to such wildness is a life-changing experience.

Northern Africa
The Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert form a stunning triangle between North Africa and the rest of the continent. It has a long and diverse history, having previously been ruled by several Berber kingdoms, as well as the Greek, Roman, and Ottoman empires.